Elusive People
Looking for information on Lee (Leaver), (Lever), or (Laver) from Pottstown, PA. area
We are looking for this person as he has become one of the missing from our Pottstown, Pa clan. Any information on him or his location, would be most appreciated. He should be in his late 70's or higher by now. Please Email us with any information you might have.. Thanx
Mystery Photos
Es Mease
This Photo was in with the photo collection Stanley had given me to sort through. Don't really know who or where this person fits in.
Kettie Sheiver
This Photo was in with the photo collection Stanley had given me to sort through. Don't really know who or where this person fits in.
Unknown Person on the Lutz Side
Not sure Who this is, We think it might be either Marie Gambler, or a direct relation to her.
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